Reference Project

Damocles Project

Customer request

To develop an ice-atmosphere-ocean monitoring and forecasting system designed for observing, understanding and quantifying climate changes in the Arctic. DAMOCLES was specifically concerned with the potential for a significantly reduced sea ice cover, and the impacts this might have on the environment and on human activities, both regionally and globally.

Our solution

As part of this project there were up to three develogic HAM.NODES Hydro Acoustic Modems deployed in a mooring assembly, across the Fram Strait between Svalbard and Greenland.

The HAM.NODE modems transmit sensor data from Aanderaa sensors between neighboring moorings that are spaced up to a maximum distance of 30,000m from each other. Data transmission was performed using our advanced n-mFSK modulation scheme and a LF ITC-2002A transducer with toroidal beam characteristic. The typical net user data rate with this setup is about 145bps @ 30,000m horizontal.

For this project all HAM.NODE modems were installed in custom pressure housings with integrated Li-SOCl battery packs and pressure relief valves. Custom mooring frames with 40kN operating load ensure convenient deployment and safe installation within the moorings.

The project has ended in 2010.